Friday, October 11, 2013

October Meeting and Upcoming Craft Sales

October's meeting was full of business and then a great program given by Dee Jones of Grass Valley.  Dee brought 50 garments in which she wove the fabric, sewed and hand embellished tops, vests and jackets. Denise, our program person, brought two garment racks  (whatever would we have done without them) and you can see that they were filled!  Dee explained that she has been weaving for at least 35 years, so this represents many years of weaving and sewing.  After Dee's talk, everyone was invited to inspect the garments first hand and try them on, if they wanted to.

 Two of Dee's vests had an unusual and attractive back and several people wanted to know how they could get the pattern.  Dee checked out her patterns once she was home to see if she could get the details to share with members.  The vest in question (see the photo below) is The Tuxedo Vest by Indygo Junction, Inc. No. IJ338
Guild members were talking about their upcoming craft shows; there are a lot of them starting in October.   I thought it would be a great idea to add them to our event calendar listings to help people promote their sales and let the public know where they can find unique and hand made items for holiday gift giving. 
We are all looking forward to next month's meeting on Viking Knitting.  Mary will be instructing us (along with Lorene and Suzanne).  There should be some interesting photos to share in November.

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